Sunday 6 September 2015


Full body workout on the smith machine. You can be on one machine and perform full body workout.


All can be performed on one smith machine.

Saturday 27 June 2015


Those who compete in contest may prefer  to avoid milk but for rest of us , its a must have on our grocery list.

A study published in a biological trace element research journal regarding the effects of calcium supplementation on testosterone levels indicated that milk may be of even more value to hard training men.

The researchers looked at the effects four weeks of calcium supplementation on free and total testosterone levels in both active and sedentary adult males. The group of 30 males was divided into three study groups. The first group was non exercising and recieved 35 milligrams of calcium per kilogram of bodyweight and the second group recieved the same 35 milligrams of calcium and underwent a training program for 90 minutes each day , five days a week , the third group of subjects underwent the same training program but they didnt recieve the calcium supplement.

The researchers discovered that the calcium supplemented groups had higher overall levels of testosterone , which can play a huge role in workout intensity and muscle gains. So drink up just make sure you pick the low fat or skim variety . Milk can be used as a post workout also.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Don't weight for cardio

A very important point to be considered is that your weight training performance is hindered if preceded by intense cardio vascular training. If , however , you do weights first and then cardio , neither your resistance training nor your cardio performance will suffer. So always use the rule - weights first cardio second.

Research confirms you can drop more bodyfat with high intensity internal training (HIIT) in about half the time as regular steady state cardio.

Do your cardio at any time of the day you can fit in but don't let it disturb your weight training ....

Friday 17 April 2015


Exercises for upper body perfection:

All men may be created equal in theory but in reality they are different genetically. You can't change your genetic makeup but you can maximize potential with smart training.  To develop eye popping pactorals , you can't beat resistance exercises. The following workout comprises a complete chest building program . Perform the circuit once or twice . For optimum results work the chest three times a week.

1. Wide grip bench press- Lie on your back on a flat bench grasping a barbell with a wide grip just above the chest. Proceed to press the bar up to arms length. Pause and return to the starting position.

2. Medium grip bench press- Lie on your back on a flat bench grasping a barbell with a medium grip just above the chest. Proceed to press the bar up to arms length. Pause and return to the starting position .

3. Dips- Hold yourself erect at a dip station with arms straight . Proceed to lower until arms are bent at 90 degrees. Pause and return to the starting position.

4. Flat bench press- Lie on a flat bench grasping dumbbells palms in by shoulders . Proceed to press the weights up to arms length . Pause and return to the starting position.

5. Barbell pullovers- Lie on a flat bench grasping a barbell with a medium grip at arms length above the chest. Proceed to lower the bar behind you in a semicircular manner until behind the head. Pause and return to the starting position.

6. Incline bench press- Lie on a incline bench grasping dumbbells palms out by shoulders. Proceed to press the weights up to arms length. Pause and return to the starting position.

7. Decline bench press- Lie on a decline bench grasping palms out by shoulders. Proceed to press the weights up to arms length. Pause and return to the starting position.

8. Dumbbell pullovers- Lie on a flat bench grasping a dumbell with both hands at arms length above the chest. Proceed to lower the weight behind you in a semicircular manner until behind the head. Pause and return to the starting position.

Friday 27 February 2015


Keys for better ABS

1. Keep the motion smooth and under control . Don't use momentum or try to race through your reps. Go slowly and strive to feel the muscle contracting without the assistance of any other muscle groups. Momentum robs the muscle from doing the work , reducing the muscle building stimulus.

2. Don't pull your head with your fingers , which can lodge your chin into your chest and distrupt natural alignment . When supporting your head , don't interlock your fingers , your hands should simply be supporting your head , not helping you pull on it . Keep your head in line with your torso by imagining a tennis ball positioned between your chin and your chest.

3. For your maximum intensity on your ABS moves , hold your breath as you complete the move , then exhale at the end of range of motion . Holding your breath allows you to maintain intra - abdominal pressure allowing your ABS to contract stronger.

Thursday 26 February 2015


Take a single sided approach to your training , build a stronger core and recruit more muscles than ever.

Study - up -: Research confirms that training one limb at a time forces the recruitment of more muscle fibers and requires more force than when using both limb simutaneously . Unilateral exercises also offer the benefit of increased core training. Take for instance the cable cross over . When you bring the cable across your body with one arm , the core work extra hard to maintain form and balance , strengthening your ability to produce intra abdominal pressure , the pressure necessary to protect from spine during your major lifts like the squat and deadlifts.

One sided case -: Lets consider bent over rows . When you use both arms simutaneously , the equal weight on both sides of your body balances your torso. As you lift the bar , it remains straight and balanced . When you perform the exercise with just your right arm , as with dumbell rows , the lack of counterbalancing weight causes your torso to twist toward your one side , forcing you to resist that twisting by contracting your obliques. As you begin to hoist the dumbell with your right arm the momentum generated by the action along with the pulling of your torso muscles toward your left side to resist the pull of the weight on your right causes your torso to rotate toward the left.

Overall look -: If none of that sparks your interest in training one limb at a time , unilateral work helps you determine muscular imbalances from one side of the body to the other. When one limb is stronger than the other , it can have a major impact on your overall aesthetic and symmetry . Nobody wants loopsided shoulders or any other lagging bodyparts to throw off the overall look. Unilateral training helps right those wrongs.

On the safe side -: Finally , the correction of any imbalances will also ultimately play a role in injury prevention in your hips , knees and shoulders. When one limb is stronger it can put undue stress and strain on the opposite side of the body. So when you train unilaterally you can improve the strength and stability of not only muscles but also working joints and ligaments. Over time your body will become better balanced in terms of strength , symmetry and the inner workings of the core musculature.

Saturday 10 January 2015


How workouts workout most of the life's challenges.

The amount of mental improvement and physical life changes is amazing. More people should turn to physical effort to overcome mental obstacles.

Stretch away stress - While almost any form of exercise will help you feel better overall , specific activities target certain needs. Regular stretching routine is great for dealing with change. Give yourself plenty of time atleast 20 minutes . Do it slowly and repeat stretching certain areas.
How it works , ironically , is that the stretching givfor es you extra flexibity which in turn makes you feel more flexible when dealing with change. Spend less time in the morning drinking coffee and watching news and being lazy rather do stretching first thing in the morning to warm up for the day.

Brain spurs - Studies have proven that the regular cardio work can enhance the ability of neurotransmitters in the brain to work faster. Improved ability to think fast and creatively also comes from an overall sense of feeling better by regular cardio and stretching.

Sleep easy - If you have sleeping problems and don't get a proper sleep , do not go for the sleeping pill rather go for the treadmill. Regular cardio exercise lowers your resting pulse rate , can lower blood pressure , makes your body run more effeciently , improves digestion and elimination and biologically assist your brain in producing more feel good chemicals. Regular cardio is a energy pill that is totally natural and totally beneficial for your system.


For perfect pectorals , lie on an incline bench with feet flat on the floor and grasp a barbell with a medium grip at the top of the chest. Proceed to press the bar straight up. Pause, then lower to starting position . Perform four repetitions then switch to a wide grip hitting the outer chest , for four repetitions and the close grip to work the inner chest for four repetitions.

Friday 2 January 2015


To strengthen your foundation , grasp a EZ bar at arms length facting while bent at the waist and the knees bent. Proceed to pull the bar up to the chest. Pause, then return to the starting position and perform 10 repetitions.
Tip:Always remember don't push yourself with heavy weight , muscle movement must be the priority.