Saturday 27 June 2015


Those who compete in contest may prefer  to avoid milk but for rest of us , its a must have on our grocery list.

A study published in a biological trace element research journal regarding the effects of calcium supplementation on testosterone levels indicated that milk may be of even more value to hard training men.

The researchers looked at the effects four weeks of calcium supplementation on free and total testosterone levels in both active and sedentary adult males. The group of 30 males was divided into three study groups. The first group was non exercising and recieved 35 milligrams of calcium per kilogram of bodyweight and the second group recieved the same 35 milligrams of calcium and underwent a training program for 90 minutes each day , five days a week , the third group of subjects underwent the same training program but they didnt recieve the calcium supplement.

The researchers discovered that the calcium supplemented groups had higher overall levels of testosterone , which can play a huge role in workout intensity and muscle gains. So drink up just make sure you pick the low fat or skim variety . Milk can be used as a post workout also.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Don't weight for cardio

A very important point to be considered is that your weight training performance is hindered if preceded by intense cardio vascular training. If , however , you do weights first and then cardio , neither your resistance training nor your cardio performance will suffer. So always use the rule - weights first cardio second.

Research confirms you can drop more bodyfat with high intensity internal training (HIIT) in about half the time as regular steady state cardio.

Do your cardio at any time of the day you can fit in but don't let it disturb your weight training ....