Thursday 27 July 2017


1. I have seen many people in the gym who take this approach that bodybuilding is not a rocket science when they start a bodybuilding program or workout.

2. I know because they are easy to spot at the gym . Such persons generally load heavy weights on a bar and lift the bar with whatever form it takes to get the weight up with extra thrust from the lower back and then let the bar come crashing down.

3. That's not bodybuilding! Strong on desire but short on smarts , such persons are either sidelined by an injury if not then they will give up quickly as they are not seeing any significant results from all the work they're doing.

4. The truth is it doesn't take a Ph.D to learn the complexities of bodybuilding but niether does it come naturally . Bodybuilding vocabulary is like a foriegn language with hundreds of unique exercises and variations .

5. So folks lift light weight if you are not able to lift heavy weight but technique of performing the exercise is very important only then you will see the results.

Thursday 27 April 2017


I have started a new workout , in morning i go to gym and do one hour cycling and then take a 4 hour break . Then come back again to the gym after 4 hours and i perform weight training.

Cycling is really helping me in a way that in morning after doing cycling for 1 hour I feel very satisfied that i am doing enough for my body . And when I come again to perform weight training I feel more energized because of cycling done in the morning .

People often say that cycling only helps the lower body but I still kept doing it and now its been 2 weeks ive doing cycling everyday morning so I have reached at a conclusion that 1 hour cycling done with full dedication also helps burning calories approximately 700 cal which helps loosing belly fat .

A perfect way of doing cycling is keep your water bottle with you and do not let yourself get dehydrate and also do not let yourself thursty so take a sip of water every 2 minutes so that way you are getting energy also to cycle for an hour and also you don't get dehydrate.


Tuesday 21 February 2017


There are many workouts for gaining size but it is very necessary to choose the right workout for yourself. (biceps,back-chest,triceps-shoulder,legs) this workout is very very basic workout and only for beginners so you need to grow up and move a step ahead. 
When you go to gym if you are not in pain then it is of no use. Gym is the only place in the world where the more you are in pain more pleasure you get. 
And the second important thing is willingness to go to gym and to gain size. If you are not willing to go to gym and doing workout then you should not as it is only a waste of time and money.
Another important factor is never look for shortcuts in your workout e.g-i don't like this exercise or i can't perform it properly. No you can't do that, if you are unable to perform it properly then you should take help from gym trainer but not leave it inbetween and look for alternative.
If you want to get bigger it is very important the call for doing workout should come from inside you, only then you will be able to perform your workout.
Being lean must be in fashoin at any point of time but being lean in very ordinary. So gear up to get big because size will matter always. If you are not better than others , then atleast be different than others , don't be the same and ordinary , be different and big and look extra ordinary .

A very affective workout for bigger size and strength.
Six days a week.
Day 1-Deadlift,Bench press,squats.
Day 2-Upper body
Day 3-Deadlift,Bench press,legs
Then repeat.

You will start seeing your body within a month.
You can perform this workout for months also , it is not necessary to change workout after a month as your body will never get tired or bored of this workout and you will keep growing.

Note- Do not perform bench press by keeping bench in squat machine , bench press and deadlift is to be performed by you using loose weights .
With this workout you will need high protien diet.With this wortout diet is very important otherwise it is of no use.

Wednesday 10 August 2016


Bodybuilders have continued to get bigger harder and more cut over the decades and they have figured out over time by trial and error, better ways of training and more effective methods of dieting as bodybuilding techniques have become more widely known and adopted.

In old days bodybuilders still use to train largely like weightlifters and tended to work the whole body three times a week. Bodybuilding training is much more sophisticated than that today. Bodybuilders train each body part more intensely , hit all the muscles from different angles , use a wider variety of exercises and equipment and are much more aware of the need to train hard in relatively short bursts and allow the body to rest , recuperate and grow. In old days the only goal was to get big but today bodybuilders try to achieve quality creating a physique with spectacular shape and symmetry with every muscle defined and separated.

As bodybuilders developed new techniques the tools used to shape their bodies also changed. In the early sixties the introduction of exercise machines made a greater variety of exercises possible. 

Bodybuilders have also learned the right way of diet and nutrition. Lean muscularity was not always the important factor in bodybuilding , pure muscle mass was considered more important but bodybuilders have now realized the bulk produced by the body fat had no place in quality physique . 

There is no longer much difference in the equipment available in a hardcore bodybuilding gym or a health spa . People have learned that muscle is muscle and you need the same range of equipment whether you are training to stay fit and healthy or to get big.

Thursday 31 March 2016


It is very important to pace yourself properly through a workout. If you try to train too fast , you risk cardiovascular failure or injury before you have worked the muscle enough. Also by training fast you may have a tendency to get sloppy and start throwing the weights around instead of training with proper technique.

On the other hand training too slowly is also bad. If you take 5 minutes rest between each set , your heart rate slows down , you loose your pump , the muscles get cold and your level of intensity drops down to nothing.

So you should always keep the rest between sets for a minute or less. In the first minute minute after a weight training exercise you recover 72 % of your strength and by 3 minutes you have recovered all you are going to recover without extended rest. Always remember that this point of training is to stimulate and fatigue the maximum number of muscle fiber possible and this happens only when the body is forced to recruit the additional muscle fibers to replace what is already fatigued. So you don't want your muscles to recover too much between sets but just enough to be able to continue your workout and keep forcing the body to recruit more and more muscle tissue.

The stronger you are the more times you can lift a submaximal amount of weight. This means the more you push yourself to develop muscular endurance the stronger you become. So maintaining a regular pace in your training actually leads to an increase in overall strength.

Tuesday 22 March 2016


The harder you work your body , the more time it takes to recover and recuperate from that training. Rest and recuperation is very important because although you stimulate growth by training but it is during the subsequent period of recuperation that actual growth and adaption take place. That's why most bodybuilders frequently overcome sticking points by resting more rather than training hard or more often.

Overtraining occurs when train a muscle too often to allow it to fully recuperate. You hear bodybuilders talk about tearing the muscle down and then letting it rebuild itself but this is not physiologically accurate. There can be small amount of tissue damage during heavy exercise and it is this damage that is associated with the residual muscular soreness. But the soreness is a side effect and not the primary reasons the muscles need to recuperate after heavy training.

A number of complex biochemical process accompany strenuous muscular contraction. The process of fueling the muscular contraction results the build up of toxic waste such as lactic acid. And during the exercise the energy stored in the muscle in form of glycogen is used up.

The body requires time to restore the chemical balance of the muscle cells , clear out the residual waste products and restock the depleted stores of glycogen. But another factor is even more important : Time is needed for the cells to the stimulus of the exercise and to grow. After all bodybuilders is all about making muscles grow. If you overtrain a muscle forcing it to work too hard and too quickly then you are not giving it a chance to grow and your progress will be slow.

Different muscles recover from exercise at different rates. The biceps recover the fastest. The lower back muscles recover the slowest taking about a hundred hours to completely recuperate after a heavy workout. In most cases giving a muscle rest of 48 hours is very important which means skipping a day after training a muscle before training it again.

Basic training involves only medium levels of intensity , so the time needed for recuperation is shorter. Once you move on to advanced training the higher amount of intensity will be needed in order to overcome the greater resistance of the body to change and growth. There is one other factor : Trained muscles recover faster than the untrained muscles. So the better you get at bodybuilding , the faster your recovery will be and more intense your training program will become.

Sunday 20 March 2016


There are various ways of assessing strength. For example , If I can lift 300 pounds and you can lift only 250 pounds , I'm stronger than you in one rep strength. However if you can lift 250 pounds ten times and I can lift it only eight times , this is a different kind of strength , you would be surpassing me in muscular endurance , the ability to continue to be strong over a series of movements.

To shape and develop the body , it is necessary to do a lot of endurance training that is - the appropriate number of sets and reps. But I think the fact is , unless you do low rep training you will never achieve the hardness and density you want a truly first class physique.

In old days all bodybuilders trained for power. Being strong was considered as important as having a physique that looked good. But there were then and now are different kind of strength. 

Including some power sets in your training also helps to make you stronger for the rest of your training. You will be able to move up to heavy weights easy and fast so your muscles will grow that much faster. It also toughens and strengthen your tendons as well as your muscles so you will be much likely to strain them while doing light weight training with more reps even if you lose concentration at some point and handle the weight with less than perfect technique.

Heavy training strengthens the attachment of the tendon to bone. Separating the tendon from bone is called a avulsion fracture and the right kind of power training minimizes the possibility of this occurring.

Muscle size and density that is created by heavy training are easier to maintain for a long period of time , even with minimum of maintenance training. With high rep training only much of the growth is the result of transient factors such as fluid retention and glycogen storage but muscle made as hard as a granite wall comes with an actual increase in muscle fiber size. The muscle cells walls themselves grow thicker and tougher so they tend to resist shrinking.

When you do power training you find out what your body can really do how much weight you can really move and this gives you a mental edge over someone who never does power training.

Modern bodybuilders need to master many sophisticated techniques but you can't forget that the basis of bodybuilding is developing muscle mass by lifting heavy weights. This does not mean that I believe bodybuilders should train like weight lifters. I recommend a program of total development that includes a certain number of power moves to give you the advantage of both kinds of training.