Wednesday 31 December 2014


For turbocharged thighs:
Stand with a ball between your back and a stationary object (wall). Proceed to slowly squat down until thighs are almost parallel to the ground . Pause, return to the starting position . Perform 8-12 repetitions.

Sunday 28 December 2014


For stunning shoulders , stand grasping a barbell palms down in front of thighs. Proceed to pull the bar up to chin level , extending elbows out. Pause , then lower to the starting position. Perform 8-10 repetitions.

Shrugs is also a good exercise for awesome looking shoulders. 

Important thing to keep in mind while lifting weighting is: if you are unable to lift heavy weights , no problem , don't push it but lift light weight and increase repetitions.


To grid lower arm muscles , kneel facing a low bench and grasp dumbells or a barbell rod palms down , with forearms on the bench and wrist over it. Beginning with wrists bent down , proceed to curl them up as high as possible. Pause, then return to the starting position . Perform 10 repetitions. 


Weight training burns calories but it does not buurn enough to be an effective weight loss program. The problem that most strength training exercises only use a few muscles at a time , and inspite of the fact that the muscles may be used very vigorously , you cannot hit them hard enough to burn many calories. A good fat burning activity will use lots of muscles continually for an extended period of time. Running , aerobics , cross-trainer , stairs are much better calorie burners. Weight training is mainly for building strong muscles.

P.S- 30 minutes cardio is very important everyday for your heart and fat burning.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Jobs from Indeed

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Jobs from Indeed
Jobs from Indeed


Written by a mother , very touching article , thought of sharing with everyone.

( As I was busy with my son's birthday celebrations , I didn't get chance to watch TV or go through the newspapers. The next morning , while sipping my daily cup of tea with my newspapers , which has become a sort of ritual for me over the years , my eyes fell on a huge picture of cherubic looking boy in a casket. Tears rolled down my eyes while reading the tales of horror and the ordeal the innocent souls had gone through in the Peshawar school shootout.

My little one , who was sitting next to me , looked at me with puzzled expressions and asked me innocently , "What happened mama? Did someone scold you ?

I did not know what to say , I thought he was too young to understand the meaning of terrorism . But so were those who lost their lives in the dastardly act of terror. Somehow I gathered courage and flipped through the pages of the newspapers ..... only to read more poignant stories followed by heart-wrenching pictures.

Being a mother , even the remotest thought of something like this made me shudder with pain and disbelief. This left me wondering how could anyone kill innocent children who are harmless and posed a threat to none.

Throughout the day I kept on thinking about the mother who would have meticulously prepared her child's favourite lunch box or the father who would have dropped his son to school after kissing him goodbye only to know that it was his final goodbye to his child. I thought of children who would have gone to their school in their neat and tidy uniforms , only to return in caskets.

My heart went out to the children who survived the attack. At such an early age , they have seen death so close.

At night while flipping through the pages of my son's birthday album , I thought about the mothers who would never be able to celebrate their children's birthdays anymore)

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Friday 12 December 2014




Killer drills for a steel stomach:

1. Lower Abs:
 Bent leg raises-Lie on your back with hands behind head , the left leg extended straight out and the right leg raised and bent. Proceed to slowly raise the lower right leg until almost straight. Pause, then lower to starting position. Change leg positions for another set with the left leg working.

2. Upper Abs;
Side leg extensions-Lie on your left side , leg over leg , with the left arm extended out , palm down and the right hand on the right thigh. Proceed to extend the right leg out until legs are at a 90 degree angle. Pause, then return to starting position and turn over for another set working the left leg.

3. Abs and Obliques:
Side leg bends-Sit on the floor with forearms supporting the raised upper body and legs raised together , knees slightly bent. Proceed to lower legs to the left until just off the floor. Pause, then return to starting position and next lower legs to the right. Perform 10 alternating repetitions to each side.

4. Abs and Obliques:
Seated twists-Sit on the floor with legs bent and hands behind head. Proceed to twist to the right , extending elbow to knee. Pause, then return to starting position and next twist to the left , again extending elbow to knee. Perform 10 alternating twists to each side.

Thursday 11 December 2014


Whey protien plus from six star nutrition is designed specially to deliver the muscle and strength - building results you need to build your body you have always wanted to. Many people rely on whey protiens for their protien needs so you should always study first and have the right whey protien your body needs.
Whey protien plus is superior to regular whey protiens. Each two scoop serving provides over 50 grams of protien , essential BCAAs and an additional muscle building compound. And its core ingredients are shown to be more effective than regular whey protiens at building muscle and strength.
Six star whey protien plus delivers its all premium quality and powerful results so wheather you are a bodybuilder , team sport athlete or just trying to transform your body , you can benefit by adding this great tasting whey protien formula to your muscle building plan.
Note: Not promoting this but wrote about this whey protien as many people dont really know which whey to take and which will suit their body and they tend to take the wrong one which can put negative affect on your body so writing this just as an example that this whey is superior quality whey and provides exactly what your body need.

You can also search for it for more info at ,

Tuesday 9 December 2014


Double reps for great guns.
Big , Bulging biceps , terrific triceps and steel - cord forearms. Rarely will a weightroom devotee be seen not building up his arms. Dumbbells are used extensively in this session with two exercises for each arm area. It's best to do one exercise each for biceps , triceps and forearms , then take a short break and perform the second set.

a. Double arm front curls-Stand grasping dumbbells in at sides. Proceed to curl both arms up , turning the wrists so palms face back to the top. Pause, return to the starting position. Perform 10 repetitions.

b. Alternate front curls-Stand grasping dumbbells palms in at sides. Proceed to curl one arm up twisting the wrist so it faces back to the top. Pause, return to the starting position. Perform the same with the other arm. Perform 10 alternate repetitions with each arm.

a. Rear curls-Stand grasping a dumbbell overhead in the right hand. Proceed to lower it behind the head. Pause, return to the starting position. Switch the weight to the other arm to work on the left tricep. Perform 10 repetitions with each arm.

b. Kickbacks-Grasping a dumbbell palm in with the right hand , bend over , place the left hand on the left knee and bend the right arm at a 90 degree angle. Proceed to extend the weight behind you until the arm is straight. Pause, return to the starting position and switch the weight to the left hand to perform the same. Perform 10 repetitions with each arm.
Kickbacks can also be performed with bench support.

a. Double arm hammer curls-Stand grasping dumbbells palms in at sides. Proceed to curl both arms up. Pause, return to the starting position and perform 10 repetitions.

b.Alternate hammer curls-Stand grasping dumbbells palms in at sides. Proceed to curl one arm up , keeping the wrist palm in. Pause, return to the starting position as the other arm does the repetition. Perform 10 alternate repetitions with each arm.


Never be short of time or too rushed for breakfast as breakfast is very important for your performance in the gym. Make time because skipping breakfast can affect your performance or thinking skills.

When you wake up in the morning , your liver glycogen stores are about half what they were when you went to bed because they have been used to maintain your metabolism while you slept. Glycogen is converted into gulocose , which is used to provide energy. Endurance exercises such as running and cycling require glycogen for fuel. If you are exercising with a half empty tank , your performance will lag earlier than if you had eaten.

If you have trouble finding time for breakfast , you can have some fast foods available such as yogurt , crackles , bagels , fresh or dried fruits , toast , instant breakfast and eneregy bars and gels.


UPPER CHEST-With one palm facing out and the other palm facing in , grip fingers at a level parallel to the top of the chest , with your elbows pointing out to sides . Pull in opposite direction. Hold for a few seconds then slowly release tension .\

BICEPS-Stand with the right arm bent at a 90 degree angle, hand fisted and the left hand grasping the top of the right wrist. As the right arm pushes up , the left hand pushes down. Hold for a few seconds then slowly release tension and then change arm positions to work the left bicep. Perform five repetitions with each arm.

TRICEPS-Stand with the right arm curled up , the hand fisted. Grasp the bottom of the right wrist with the left hand and push up as the right arm presses down. Hold for a few seconds then slowly release tension and change arm positions to work  the left tricep. Perform five repetitions with each arm,

ABDOMINALS-Lie on your back , proceed to raise straightened legs a few inches off the ground. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower legs. Perform five repetitions.

SHOULDERS-Standing , extend the right arm out in front and place the left hand against the bent right arm. Proceed to press out with the right arm as the left hand resists. Hold for a few seconds then slowly release tension and next perform the exercise for the left shoulder. Perform five repetitions each way.

BACK-Sit on the ground with the right leg straight out. Raise and bend the left leg and grasp the flexed foot with both hands. Proceed to pull the foot back as it presses out. Hold for a few seconds then release the tension slowly and change the leg position to work the other side. Perform five repetitions with each leg.

LOWER CHEST-Stand with palms against each other in front of the chest. Proceed to press together with equal force. Hold for a few seconds then slowly release the tension. Perform five repetitions.

BUTTOCKS-Stand with hands behind your head and proceed to clench buttocks together as tightly as possible. Hold for a few seconds then slowly release the tension. Perform five repetitions.