Wednesday 26 November 2014


 The Calisthenis workout :

1. Jogging in place-
Stand in the same spot and jog , bringing knees higher and higher as you get warm. Continue for atleast two minutes. Perform for five minutes to get loose then proceed to the exercises.

2. Arms-
Stand with arms extended in front , hands clenched. Proceed to swing arms to the right and behind you , then back and over to the left and behind you. Perform about 15 repetitions.

3. Thighs-
Stand with hands on your hips and legs should be shoulder width apart , feet turned out. Keeping the back straight and head up , proceed to lower six or so inches. Pause, then rise to the starting position . Perform 15 repetitions.

4. Shoulders-
Stand erect with arms straight out to sides , palms facing downwards , about a foot lower than parallel  to the ground. Proceed to raise arms until hands are above the head.

5. Obliques-
Stand with arms at sides and feet shoulder width apart. Proceed to bend to the right , with the right hand sliding down the thigh and the left arm extending over the head. Pause,then return to the starting position and perform the next repetition to the other side. Perform 15 alternating repetitions to each side.

6.Thighs and Hamstrings-
Stand with hands on your hips and legs shoulder width apart , feet turned out. Proceed to lunge to the right , lowering a few inches . Pause, then rise and lunge to the left. Perform 15 alternating repetitions to each side.

7. Chest-
Stand erect , with arms crossed in front of the chest and hands fisted. Keeping arms bent , proceed to extend elbows out behind you. Pause, then return to the starting position . Perform 15 repetitions.

8. Back and Hamstrings-
Stand with arms overhead and feet wide apart. Proceed to bend at the waist and extend the left hand to the right foot. Pause, then rise and extend the right hand to the left foot. Perform 15 alternating repetitions to each side.

9. Abdominals-
Stand erect with hands behind head and feet shoulder width apart. Proceed to bring the left knee up and extend the right elbow down to meet it. Pause then return to the starting position and perform the next repetition with the opposite knee and elbow . Perform 15 alternating repetitions to each side.

Tuesday 25 November 2014


3 Fast and easy workouts for summer of fitness-

In the months of june,july and august , summer is very hot and the sun is brightest in these three months. During this time , the last place most men want to be is inside a dreary weightroom. And yet in june,july and august we want our bodies to rock , since shorts , tanks and swimsuits are what we care to wear the most. Here is the solution , working out wherever you want , without having to worry about all the heavy equipment.

Here are the three total body regiments.
Each takes 15 minutes. These exercises are all you will ever need to keep your body looking great all summer . You need to combine the exercises with a sensible diet. And if you can add some aerobic exercising through sports or recreational activities , you will be fit and trim. Perform one or two workouts daily.

The three type of workouts are:
1. Calisthenics:

2. Isometrics:

3. Stretch band:

These three workouts will explained in detail in my next three posts.

Wednesday 19 November 2014


Pool therapy- Its a cool way to treat your injuries.

Within the last decade ,the treatment of sports injuries has developed into a sophisticated state. Water therapy is one of the most utilized techniques in treating sprains,strains,fractures,dislocation and lower back problems. The use of water accelerates healing and recovery by improving the circulation to the injured area. Water protects the injured body area during exercise that would be too stressful to use out of the water. It also prevents the bodypart from loosing its range of motion and becoming rigid and stiff. Another advantage is that exercising does not need to be terminated. All body areas not involved in the specific injury can be worked until you can tolerate movement or use in the injured area. 

Water is a three-dimentional resistance medium , the overuse syndrome is eliminated. Most weight training machines are designed so specific muscle groups are stressed one at a time. Since water in not gravity dependant , legs or arms , for example , can move in any direction with equal resistance , allowing opposite muscle groups to be worked equally.

Part of training:

Athletes can make their training more challenging and less monotonous by adding regular water resistance exercises to all season routines. Everyone likes to be active , water offers an active outlet that would not harm a bruised or broken foot. The buoyant effect of water eliminates impact while strengthening muscles during the healing process.

Also having the phycological impact of doing a similar activity in water can help people get back into a recreational sport . The soothing nature of water is a distraction from pain. Patients begin to use the injured bodypart in cooperation with the healthy parts. Also the skill maintained in the water will transfer back to dry-land area.

Shoulder exercise-\

In waist-high water , bend knees to submerge shoulders under water , bend arm of the injured shoulder at a right angle at hip. Open hand and move it to side of shoulder slowly. Return to the center of body and repeat.
Back exercise-
To relieve low back pain , use an elatic band or a floatation device for freestyle swimming. The floatation belt lifts the back letting the tailbone rotate downward . The position creates a lessening of pressure on the low back area . To use the elastic band or floatation device for freestyle swimming , wrap the floatation device around hips and turn strap to the back area. Attach the end of the tether to the flooatation device and the other end securely to the side of the pool(i.e ladder) slowly use freestyle stroke.

Anke exercise-

Using a heel-toe type of movement for the ankle alternate lifting heel of injured ankle at the same time the opposite toes are raised . Slowly rock both the injured foot and the opposite foot to opposite positions. Repeat for several minutes each day to strengthen the muscles in calf and foot. This will also help in regaining the range of motion.

Monday 17 November 2014


Here are the most common workout mistakes made by people according to certified fitness professionals :

1. Not warming up before workout-
Warmed up muscles are more elastic than cold muscles and therefore the warmed up muscles are less likely to experience stress and strain when you begin to exercise. Also warmups begin to get your lungs and heart working more effectively so that they will ease up to cruising speed more readily when you begin your workout.

2. Not stretching enough-
After you have warmed up your muscles you should stretch them to avoid any stress or injury. This will make your muscles experience less strain. When you workout , you are putting your muscles under tention part of the time. This tends to make them shorten a little. Stretching will help to counteract this shortening.

3. Lifting too much weight-
Many people have a tendency to think in terms of more is better which is okay if you do things very slowly. Lifting too much too soon can put your muscles and joints at risk of injury by putting loads on your body that it is not ready for . Start light with any new exercise and you can increase little by little each week.

4. Jerking while lifting weights-
First thing to keep in mind is weights should always be under control. You should raise weights steadily and lower them slowly in every exercise. Do not let the weights control you and and cause you to drop it. At best you are inviting injury if you do not control the weights, at worst there have been a couple of deaths over the years in men who dropped barbells on their neck during a bench press workout.

5. Exercising too intensily-
You can't make up for the lost time by going too hard at longer intervals. Workout at moderate intensity three or four times a week . Too hard,too often will increase your risk of muscles or joints injury

Note- Guys please don't ever push it if you want a well built body without any injury .

Friday 14 November 2014


Benefits of drinking lemon water:

1. Fresh lemon water , first thing in the morning , help preventing digestion problems.
2. Lemons are basically antiseptic and a powerful cleansing effect on your liver , kidneys  and blood which is very important to keep our body healthy and if our body is healthy only then we can workout best and also the intesity of the workout will be longer . Lemon water is basically very beneficial for us. It is a simplest way to cleanse the inside of your body every morning which can make a big difference to your daily energy overtime and you need energy for a good workout .
3. As we need energy for a good workout , vitamins and minerals are also a part of daily energy and for that lemon water is the best source. Lemon water provides you with vitamin c essential for your body and also it provides your body with important minerals like potassium , calcium and magnesium.
4. The high mineral content of the lemons makes them alkalizing your body , despite their citric acid.
5. Drinking lemon water is also very beneficial for our skin , it improves the skin by cleansing . for example : people who face pimple or dark circle problems or similar problems lemon water shall be very helpful. Especially for girls lemon water is very important for a clear and glowing skin.
CONCLUSION:Lemon water is very important for our body in daily routine as it helps to reduce fat .
                           Especially for the people who drink alcohol lemon water is really beneficial every  morning it cleanse the liver.


What to drink during workout for energy

Sports or enery drinks are not the way to get energy during workout.Merits and demerits :

Energy drinks are one of the worst things as they are full of sugars and caffiene which is not good for the body.
When we workout its very important to stay hyderated . During workout drinking water is a classic choice.

Experts also say what to drink during workout also depends on your taste , length and the intensity .

If you drink flavoured drinks more then you drink whatever helps you drink more  as the bottom line is hyderation.

The longer you exercise and more heavily you sweat the greater the help of a drink to replace those lost micronutrients.

A sports drink can do many great things to increase energy levels without the complications of digesting and absorbing meal.

The carbohyderates found in sweatened sports drink provide energy to help delay fatigue.

The Gatorate co. says the lab test have shown that 6% carbohyderates is the optimal percentage of carbs for speeding fluid and energy back into the body.

Note- Bottom line is hyderation during workout so drink according to your taste and intensity of the workout.

Conclusion:: You should know the aim of your workout,as if you are aiming your workout for fat loss then sports or energy drinks is not for you.As the amount of flavour and sugar in sports drink dont let you loose fat.

Tuesday 11 November 2014


Many people think a lot as which is the best pre-workout for good energy during the workout so that you are fully energetic during your workout.

Did someone ever thought that black coffee 15-20 minutes before workout can be one of the best pre-workout.

Having black coffee as pre-workout has a lot of health benefits as well.

Coffee before exercise cause the fat cells to be used as an energy source as opposed to glycogen .

High amount of caffeine in black coffee will increase your metabolism which will make you burn more amount of calories throughout the day.

Having coffee before workout enhances the effect of the workout on you

Coffee intake also increasesd your performance in the gym.

By coffee intake before workout you can train at a greater power output and also workout for a longer time and not getting tired .

With incresed energy to push through tough workout black coffee also provides an increase in the mental focus so that you can focus properly on your workout.

Coffee intake before workout also decreases the muscle pain during the workout .

You get the power of completing more reps at a higher resistance during workout and even run faster and for a longer time during your cardio workout or whatever your cardio exercise is if not running .

This will also prevent your body from catching diseases .

When you go on a date with your partner you can have black coffee during the day as well to keep your body in good shape and if you dont like black coffee you can add a bit of milk in it for the flavour .

Sunday 9 November 2014

Best post-workout

Hey people who loves bodybuilding 
Did you know many heavy weight champions and bodybuilders have used milk as a post-workout for many years and they found it very useful and they called milk as a best post-workout in the world.

1. Different people have different bodybuilding goals such as some want their body to be lean and in proper shape and at the same place some wants their body to be bulky and big , whatever the goal is lean body or bulky body having milk as a post-workout is perfect for both lean body also and bulky body also.
2.Some people will not believe that milk can be more effective than whey protien but let me tell you this is a tested and proven fact. I will explain milk as a post-workout in detail below:

1: Casein- milk contains about 80% of casein in it which will keep you full for a longer and helps in 
                  fat loss. Casein is a slow digesting protien and helps in muscle repair .
2:Whey-milk contains 20% of whey in it which is a fast digesting protien which helps in fast muscle repair and also muscle recovery.
3:B.C.A.A-milk also contains bcaa (branded chain amino acids) which is very rich in protien and can be taken during workout also.
4:Carbs-milk contains carbs which replenish your energy fast .
5:Fat-milk contains some amount of fat which will decrease your hunger and which will help in fat loss.
6:Calcium-milk contain calcium which is very for our bones and it makes bones stronger which will help in our workout.
7:Water-milk contains 87% of water which improves the process of muscle recovery.
8:Electrolytes-milk contains electrolytes which helps in re-hyderation and dont let you de-hyderate.
So guys overall milk is a combination of slow and fast digesting protien and this quality is superior to all.And otherwise milk is important for our body as it also improves power and stamina to lift.